Welcome to the Planetclimber blog, stories from climbing around the world, from indoor halls to big mountains. And active volcanoes! The Planetclimber has climbed in 25 countries, in a total of 68 places. You can also click on a map below to see where in the world they took place.

All climbing-related articles:

Week and a half in Hawaii in a meeting, properly dressed. For some reason people stared when I visited the beach.
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(Suomenkielinen versio)

May 2015, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Skiing (Outdoor, Sand); Surfing; Climbing (Mountain); Hiking

London Ice Climbing
Have ice axe. Will travel to London to go ice climbing. My cab driver thinks that is the weirdest thing he has heard his customers do. I think that if it is true, then his rides have been pretty boring.
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(TGR version)
(Suomenkielinen versio)

May 2015, Vertical Chill, London, United Kingdom
Climbing (Ice); Urban-Exploration (Buildings)

Skiing Africa... by Mule
Avalanche pack, check. Skis, check. Mule, check. I am sitting on a mule, on my way to the ski slopes in Oukaïmeden in the Atlas mountains of Morocco.
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(TGR version)
(Suomenkielinen versio)

February 2015, Oukaïmeden, Morocco
Skiing (Outdoor, Snow, Lifts); Climbing (Mountain); Urban-Exploration (Ski-Lifts, Buildings)

My friend Patrick (see his "Mad Pat" blog) told me about this magical place in Ontario. Sandhill. He had conquered its steep sand slopes. And now I was on my way to Toronto and wanted to see if I can repeat the experience.
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(Suomenkielinen versio)

August 2014, Sandhill, Ontario, Canada
Skiing (Outdoor, Sand); Climbing (Mountain)

Volcano Camping
The summit ridge lights up, seemingly rising to the sky. The sunrise is about to start. I forget the cold night and the two vertical kilometers of climbing to get here. It is a magical moment to be at the top. I had not realised it would be possible to see the entire island of Bali in one view, as if I was in space.
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(Suomenkielinen versio)

November 2013, Gunung Agung, Bali, Indonesia
Climbing (Mountain); Skiing (Outdoor, Rock, Sand, Ash)

Sarcophilus Satanicus
Sarcophilus Satanicus. Satanic meat lover. Better know as the Tasmanian Devil. We did all we could to ski with the devil, like we did with the kangaroo, but alas, it was not to be. Turns out the devil is in trouble. The numbers of this previously common animal are down at least 80% and maybe as much as 99% from 1990s, due to a mysterious infectious cancer.
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(Suomenkielinen versio)

November 2013, Tasmanian Devil Unzoo, Tasmania, Australia; Ben Lomond, Tasmania, Australia; Mt. Mawson, Tasmania, Australia
Travel; Skiing (Outdoor, Snow, Lifts); Climbing (Mountain)

Adventures of the Snowboard
I don't know if I should classify this as gear testing or as new angle into a previous story. I have some new footage from my Krakatau trip, and it should give you an idea of what my snowboard went through. Yes, I bought it bought used.
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(Suomenkielinen versio)
(Svenskt version)

September 2013, Anak Krakatau, Indonesia
Climbing (Mountain); Snowboarding (Ash, Rock, Sand)

Bad Snow Year in Africa
Grass. Sun. Lonely wilderness. 4x4 transport. You would expect to find those in Africa. And I did. But I also found mountains, a ski area, olympic athletes, and snow. And the highest bar in South Africa. I'm in Tiffindell, South Africa's only ski area that re-opened this year, after being closed for a couple of years.
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(Suomenkielinen versio)

July 2013, Tiffindel, South Africa
Skiing (Outdoor, Snow, Lifts); Climbing (Mountain); Afterski

This is the 4th set of articles. The previous sets were set 1, set 2, and set 3. The next sets are set 5, and set 6.

The Planetclimber articles appeared originally in the Blogspot Planetskier series, at TGR posts, or at the Relaa website. See also the articles about skiing, caving, urban exploration, cycling, flying, swimming, and saunas.